Traditional Funeral
Death can be an overwhelming experience. Our dedicated staff will assist you with the necessary arrangements involved in planning a funeral service. Our experience and attention to detail will help you through this difficult time.
As we begin, it may be helpful to remember why funerals are important. From the earliest times, funerals have been a means of expressing our beliefs, thoughts, and feelings about the death of someone we love.
- Help us acknowledge that someone we love has died
- Allow us to say goodbye
- Provide a social support system for family members
- Offer us the opportunity to commemorate our loved one in a meaningful way
Traditional Funeral Service is when your loved one is present. The night before the funeral there would be visitation generally in the afternoon and evening with the casket open. The service itself is normally the following day either in the chapel of the funeral home or in a church, chosen by the family. A funeral often consists of scripture reading, prayers, a eulogy, sometimes a sermon, and music. After the funeral there is a procession to the cemetery, for a committal service. There is a reception to follow at the church or the families home which concludes the services.